
Building a Campaign That Spans Multiple Planes of Existence

Creating a campaign that spans multiple planes of existence can be one of the most thrilling and challenging adventures for both Dungeon Masters (DMs) and players in Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, the concept of exploring different dimensions can bring new life to your tabletop sessions.

Understanding the Multiverse

The first step in building such an intricate campaign is understanding the multiverse. The multiverse in D&D comprises various planes, each with its own rules, inhabitants, and challenges. These include:

  • The Material Plane
  • The Feywild
  • The Shadowfell
  • The Elemental Planes
  • The Outer Planes

The Material Plane

This is where most campaigns start. It’s the world where your players’ characters live and adventure. Think of it as the ‘normal’ world.

The Feywild and Shadowfell

These are parallel dimensions to the Material Plane. The Feywild is vibrant and full of magic, while the Shadowfell is dark and foreboding.

The Elemental Planes

These planes represent pure elements like fire, water, earth, and air. Each plane has its own unique landscape and inhabitants.

The Outer Planes

These are realms that often represent moral alignments—places like Heaven or Hell—but in D&D terms, they have specific names like Mount Celestia or The Nine Hells.

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